Hydration by Alkaline Water – Why you should consider?

The role of drinking alkaline water for hydration

Hydration is a key aspect of human health. Recent discussions and studies have highlighted the potential benefits of alkaline drinking water in terms of improved hydration. This article explores how alkaline water contributes to hydration and the unique properties that distinguish it from ordinary water.

Basics of alkaline water

Alkaline water is produced through the process of electrolysis or by adding minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium, which increase the pH of the water. This water has a pH above 7, unlike normal drinking water, which is usually neutral. Proponents of alkaline water claim that its higher pH and special mineral composition make it more effective at hydrating the body.

Hydration benefits

Increased absorption: Alkaline water is said to have a smaller molecular structure than ordinary water. This microclustering theory states that smaller water molecules are more easily absorbed by the cells, resulting in more efficient and effective hydration.

Balancing the electrolyte balance: The additional minerals in alkaline water, such as potassium and magnesium, are critical to the body’s electrolyte balance. Adequate electrolyte balance is essential for maintaining hydration, especially after physical activity or in hot climates.

Longer-lasting hydration: Some studies suggest that alkaline water stays in the body longer due to its chemical composition, resulting in longer-lasting hydration. This could be particularly beneficial for people who spend time in environments where regular drinking is difficult.

Scientific perspective

While the theory behind alkaline water and its ability to improve hydration is intriguing, it remains controversial in the scientific community. Some experts argue that the differences in molecular size are minimal and do not contribute significantly to hydration. Others point out that the extra minerals in alkaline water can actually be useful to rehydrate the body, especially after intense physical activity or sweating.

Practical use

For people taking part in sport or strenuous physical activity, alkaline water could provide an additional source of electrolytes, helping to maintain fluid balance. It may also be beneficial for people who live in hot climates or who tend to dehydrate more quickly.

Summary and precautions

Alkaline water machine may offer an innovative way to improve hydration, but it is important to take a balanced approach. It should not be seen as a substitute for a balanced diet and adequate water intake through regular water. People with certain health conditions or who are taking medication should consult a doctor before switching to alkaline water.

Overall, alkaline water offers an interesting alternative to conventional drinking water, especially in terms of hydration and electrolyte balance. Further research is needed to fully understand and validate its benefits and effectiveness. Watch the Video!


It is important to note that many of these potential benefits need to be further researched, and the consumption of alkaline water should not be seen as a substitute for a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.